Saturday, November 3, 2012

Louvre, France,most beautiful places in france

Louvre, France

travel malaysia

Louvre (French: Musée du Louvre) is one of the most important art museums in the whole world, and is located on the north bank of the River Seine in Paris, capital of France. The most important museums of France, was a fortress built by Philippe Auguste in 1190, 

Beautiful picture, Louvre, France, france 

 so as to avoid surprises disturbing attack on the city during long periods of absence in the Crusades, and took the name of the place where the castle was built upon. Is the largest museum in the world. Underwent in the era of the late French President Francois Mitterrand to reform processes and a major expansion.

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 Louvre, France,most beautiful places in france


The museum is divided 

 into several parts according to the type of art and history. The total length of about 13 kilometers halls, which contain more than one million pieces of art

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 Louvre, France,most beautiful places in france  

whether paintings or sculpture. Museum and an impressive array of Greek and Roman Antiquities and Egyptian - numbering 5664 artifact - in addition to paintings and sculptures dating back to the eighteenth century.

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